Amazon write up:

Brazil was officially discovered in 1500 by portuguise diplemat Pedro Cabral. This being the case Brazil has many portuguise roots. Most fampously being that they are the only latin amarican country that speaks portugese. In 1822 Brazil gained its indepmdence. Within Brazil roughly 305 ethinic groups can be found. With nearly one million indigenous people living in Brazil today. These groups are mainly found within the Amazon and their way of life being simple. They rely on the forest for everything they do such as hunting, travling, fishing and trading.

According to WFF the Amazon Biome is defined as the area covered predominantly by dense moist tropical forest, with small inclusions of several different types of vegetation such as savannas, floodplain forests, grasslands, swamps, bamboos, and palm forests. The biome encompasses 6.7 million km2 and is shared by eight countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname), as well as the overseas territory of French Guiana. The Amazon also holds the second largest river in the world, The Amazon River. The Amazon River is roughly 4,000 miles in length. This large source of biodiversity is under attack. This source is the Amazon Rainforest. Over 3 million species live in the rainforest, and over 2,500 tree species. The forest is being cut down at a rapid rate that is not sustainable. Nearly 20% of the forest sees deforestation annually. Deforestation is being practiced for thumber as well as agriculture. Brazil is one of the world’s largest cattle and soybean producers. These practices threaten the biodiversity and life of the Amazon.
